Jack Neo Scandal- Another mistress revealed

(Picture found online)

People out there had been saying that he should film a movie “Woman No Enough (女人不够)”

Where had the actor of




gone to?

What had happened to him?

The 22-year-old freelance model, Wendy Chong (钟佳燕) confronted Jack Neo’s wife, Mdm Irene Kng about her affair with Jack Neo, 50. (Found out from online, that Jack already had a daughter who is 19 yrs old, slightly younger than Wendy).

Singaporeans were shocked when Jack Neo Scandals revealed.

Jack always gave a family man kind of image in front of people. Still remembering he acted as Liang Po Po and Liang Xi Mei! I always laughed when I watched it during my younger days.

Some rumoured that this scandal was part of the publicity for his new movie, but I doubt any sane person would go to such an extent to drag his whole family in just for publicity.

Today, another 25-year-old actress/singer, Le Xuan (乐轩) came into the picture and exposed Jack’s alleged indecent advances made to her when she was still an artiste under J team, Jack’s talent management company.

(Read more from here)

Current news updates on the scandal:

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