Three is Never a Crowd

2 friends chilling out together may be fun...

But 3... Triple the fun!!!

Why not!!!

三人行精彩活动 . omy’s Triple Fun

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三个人聚在一起可以做些什么有趣的事? 欢迎你连同其他两位伙伴,通过照片和解说,或者是视频(限时三分钟),来介绍’三人行’的精彩活动。在10月6日1159pm前,连同姓名、联络电话、电邮及身份证号码把作品上载至我爱秀或电邮到 就有机会赢取Tablet电脑等丰富奖品!

If you have ideas of fun activities suitable for three people, tell us! Submit photos (no more than 3) or videos (no more than 3 minutes in duration) of your ideas and stand a chance to win great prizes! Just upload your entries to Showtime Section or email to by 6 October 2010, 1159hrs together with your name, contact number, NRIC and email.

Participants stand to win 3 sets of ASUS tablet netbooks (eee-PC T101MT), Wild Wild Wet admission tickets and more!


omy《生活馆即将推出“改头换面,三人行!” 三个人会分别进行特别的 makeover,而为他们进行改造的也正是由化妆师、发型师及摄影师三个专人组成的创意团队。

Lifestyle Section will be sending three individuals for special makeovers to experience how it feels like to be models for a day!



When it comes to love, three’s definitely a crowd. Check out the special horoscope series on Playground and find out how people with different zodiac signs handle love triangles.


同时,食天堂 也将推出三菜一餐的好推荐!如果你每天还在烦恼要如何为家人做出美味的一餐,不妨参考omy团队为你精心调配的三道食谱,让你能够为家人烹煮出富有爱心的一餐!

“Three dishes makes a Meal” Visit Eat! Section for our recommendation on which three dishes you can prepare to make a sumptuous meal!


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